MORGO 2024 Queenstown

Thursday 29th - Friday 30th August, Heritage Hotel, Queenstown

It is an annual re-charge, to get new courage for the tough business journeys building out into the world, a place for new ideas —  brain food from the other companies presenting andstimulation through science talks, and a place to build lasting relationships with fellow entrepreneurs.

MORGO is for: CEOs, founders, CTOs, COOs etc of tech and high growth companies going global. If this is you apply to join the Morgo Community.

MORGO is a high energy, two-day event for the CEOs and other leaders of tech and high growth companies going global from Australia and New Zealand.


Speakers for

MORGO 2024 Queenstown

Speakers for MORGO Queenstown 2022:

Morgo Partners

Supported by New Zealand Trade & Enterprise